Turning Points by Clearway Capital Solutions

10+1 questions with Bob Kricheff from Shenkman Capital Management

Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome to Clearway Capital Solutions’s new podcast series. Dennis Mothoneos, Managing Director from Clearway Capital Solutions is joined by Bob Kricheff, Portfolio Manager and Global Strategist from Shenkman Capital Management, a specialist leveraged finance manager to answer 10+1 questions about Shenkman Capital. 

Shenkman Capital Management is an independently owned corporation with a 35+ year history of adhering to proprietary bottom up fundamental credit research, process driven rules based decisions and the avoidance of defaults across their portfolios. Shenkman Capital offers leveraged loans (senior secured loans), high yield bonds, short duration high yield bonds, multi-strategy credit, structured credit and stressed/distressed credit approaches to investors. Shenkman Capital have a substantial client base in Australia. For more information on Shenkman Capital, please visit  www.shenkmancapital.com.

Clearway Capital Solutions, based in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, provides ongoing business development and product advice and assists in gaining access to the institutional, wholesale, and sophisticated investor markets of Australia and New Zealand for local and offshore-based fund managers. Clearway Capital represents a small, diverse group of funds managers, covering alternative and traditional asset classes. In addition, Clearway Capital conducts marketing research on a project basis. 

The podcast will be provided to you on the basis that you are either a Sophisticated Investor or a Professional Investor, as those terms are used in sections 708(8) or 708(11), respectively, of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth). The views and opinions expressed herein are those solely of the presenter or Shenkman Capital as of the date of this email and are subject to change at any time due to market, economic or other conditions.  Such views and opinions are for informational purposes only.  Furthermore, none of the information contained herein constitutes a recommendation by any of the Shenkman Group's officers, directors, employees or affiliates that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS.

For more information on Clearway Capital Solutions please contact us on: www.clearwaycapital.com.au